Sunday, February 3, 2008

Herbal Remedies that can help with your lack of sleep

The 6 Best Herbal Sleep Aids

After a lot of research and trial and error I have found that the following are by far the most effective herbal sleep aids to cure your lack of sleep.

Hops Flower Powder – Used traditionally as a sedative, for relaxation and reduction of anxiety.

Valerian Root Powder – Helps relax the central nervous system, promote feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhances sleep.

Passion Flower – Known for its calming and sleep inducing properties it can also help relieve pain and muscle spasms.

Chamomile – A mild sedative that can help with anxiety and digestion.

5-Hydroxytryptophan – Increases R.E.M. sleep significantly while simultaneously increasing deep sleep stages 3 and 4 without increasing total sleep time. By shifting the balance of the sleep cycle, 5-Hydroxytryptophan makes sleep more restful and rejuvenating instead of waking feeling tired and worn out.

Lemon Balm - Lemon Balm has a highly relaxing property and is great for inducing sleep.

Also, when these ingredients are used in conjunction with each other they have an even greater effect. When taking an herbal sleep aid it is good to note that these remedies are made to know you out like other over the counter and prescription drugs but more to relax you and allow you to enter a state of sleep naturally and keep you there longer so that you wake up feeling refreshed. Give them a try and I guarentee they will cure your lack of sleep.